Trend Micro Antivirus
Trend Micro Inc. is the owner of Trend Micro Security Service. It is a defense and cyber security company. Basically is a head office in Tokyo, Japan. But it's regional headquarters in Asia, North America, and Europe. That means their aim is big. They want to work in over all the world. Already they are working in Europe and Asia.

Features of Trend Micro:
1) Anti-ransomware
2) Anti-Spyware
3) Antivirus
4) Anti-Malware
5) Ransomware for industry-leading protection
6) Protect Websites
7) Protect Social Network
8) Protect Email
9) Protect instant message
10) Remove Adware
11) Remove Temporary File
12) Don't slow down user computer
13) Identify Protection

Trend Micro Antivirus protects user's Apple MacOS, MacBook Air, iMac, and MacBook. Their customer support service is 24 Hours 7 Days.

For Free Trend Micro Antivirus Security Download Trial Version from Official Site: Click Here
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